Rabu, 19 September 2012

"shit" cursor for blog

berhubung saya sedang ingin mempercantik blog saya, so saya nyoba searching gambar-gambar di devian art, eh tiba-tiba saya nemu banyak gambar eek yang menurut saya unyu banget wkwk
dan jadilah saya bikin tu gambar jadi cursor, hari ini saya cuman bikin 2 mungkin later akan nambah, doakan aja.

__________INI CURSORNYA_____________


dan ini cursor yang baru:

sekarang saya akan memberitahukan bagaimana menggunakan cursor ini pada blog anda.
1. login di blog
2. masuk ke tata letak
3. tambah widget dan pilih html atau java
4. salin kode ini


ps: kode yang menggunakan warna merah dapat kamu ganti dan masukkan url atau alamat photo yang ingin kamu gunakan sebagai kursor kamu

selamat berjuang mengganti cursor kamu..ganbatte

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Accounted on Devian ART

this one or this one

by the way, now i've an account on deviant art
see and share our picture :)

Creativity of Blog

i've a blog and i just have a little time to spend with. i need more time, i did not enjoy my life, my school, my everything, damn i really  lost it. i stuck in the hot atmosphere class, and i hate it. i wanted to change them, but its not great idea, cos they are smarter than me, bigger than me and better than me, they 'think'.

i dont have a friend to share my hell day, everyday. so i type everything that i feel nice or bad in my blog, isnt it creative?
no, it isnt hence no one come to my blog, plis, just to seek anything? not yeeet, but why?

cos of that i bought this book:
'Creative Blog Writing'

i hope i can enjoy my life well and more. last i've worst quotes for everyone which read it.

"be a human as creative as creative person"