Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

Living in Borneo

Borneo is the 3rd widest island in the world. Living in borneo is like live in heaven, beautiful places with natural scenery, amazing rivers with human activity, and forest with very large trees.
U can see so many animals, orangutans, proboscis monkey and rhinoceros, and u can see the flowers, 3000 orchid species is in the borneo.
Live in Borneo can make u feel alive, u will be so much grateful to be in this world.

but one day, 6 months ago.
I went into places near my city, its only 4 hours from my place.
But u know? I have to go to there by motorcycle and continue my journey by boat, because the accessibility is so hard.

And after I arrived at that place. I saw
No public transportation
No streets
No entertaintment area

I saw…
People went to school by small boat, even the boat doesn’t have a machine, they only used long stick that plugged into the bottom of the river to make that boat move.
Do u think the facility of their school good? No!
They only have 1 school in that village, and 1 teacher. They don’t have books, they do not have library. But they have spirits. Spirits to learn!

Place that rich of abundant natural resources?
Place that rich of diversity
Place that we call heaven.

Ladies & Gents

I don’t need you go to borneo, and I don’t need you to think that borneo is left behind. But only thing I want from u is be grateful of your life. Keep spirits, whatever condition you have, because outside this place, many people are struggling for life. Thank you!

#Speech #30HariMenulis #Day2

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